Category: Programming

Error: PDF could not be generated! Command Error: QSslSocket: cannot resolve CRYPTO_num_locks in wkhtmltopdf or Pdfkit – Solved

QSslSocket Issue The following issue raised while creating pdf using these libraries wkhtmltopdf_binary, wkhtmltopdf, PdfKit. Reason for issues: The above issue may be occurred for any one the following reasons. Recently you may be downgraded some libraries or removed it. You might be tried to install the latest version of ruby through rvm, but failed […]

Can’t interpolate: {{url}} error while assigning url to iframe ng-src


In AngularJS you might received the following error while assigning $scope variable. Error: [$interpolate:interr] Can’t interpolate: {{url}} It is a common mistake that anyone can do in the beginning. Now we can learn some simple fixes for this issue. If you have done many trys in different scenarios just ignore it and simply follow my […]